Greetings! Welcome to my website.
I am actively looking for opportunities in the areas of Robot Autonomy and Learning - Reinforcement Learning and Robot Control, Robotics Software Engineering, or AI (Task-Motion) Planning. I am also open to opportunities in the fields of Embedded Systems, IoT, and Computer Vision.
Currently, I am a JEMARO-EMJMD (Japan-Europe Master on Advanced Robotics Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Program) M.Sc. Student at Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Keio University, Japan. I spent my 2022-23 academic year at the DIBRIS, University of Genoa, Italy.
My Master’s Research, as part of Space Robotics Group (Ishigami Laboratory), is focused on Learning (bio-inspired) Legged Locomotion on Challenging Planetary Terrains for Space Exploration
I was also an individual open source contributor at Automotive Grade Linux, The Linux Foundation *See my recent talk on my GSoC 2022 work (continued) given at AGL-All Member Meeting Spring 2023 at Vienna House Andel’s, Berlin, Germany on YouTube.
- Previously, Bachelor’s of Engineering - Electronics and Communication Engineering from Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (2017-2021).
- I like to have conversations about Cosmology, Physics and Psychology since these subjects intrigue me; thinking about aiding humans as a species to explore and increase our understanding of the universe, the possibility being able to conduct experients in hostile environments with the help of robots, and leading to helpful innovations along the way, gives me a reason to continue to do what I strive to do.
- I have worked on various projects as an undergraduate engineering student, and gained experience in Robotics Software Engineering, Deep Learning - Vision, IoT, Cross Platform Mobile Application development using Flutter, Network Engineering and Automation, and Project Management.
Hobbies & Interests:
Open Source Software Development
Stargazing (I use a 6-inch Celestron Newtonian Reflector)
Physics, Cosmology
Cognitive Psychology
Learning Languages (Current: Italian, Japanese, German)