Some of the personal projects I have worked on in the past:
- ‘RoboCafe’: PDDL+ Task Planning Domain and Problem Set
- This was the PDDL+ Task Planning domain and problem set developed for a “Robot-enabled” cafe environment, as part of the course “Artificial Intelligence for Robotics II” at the University of Genoa, Italy.
- This Github Repo contains the project.

- Building Service Robot
- This is a project created using ROS, and various packages for localization, mapping, path planning and navigation, to demonstrate a mobile service robot, capable of localizing itself, mapping its environment and autonomously navigating through it. It is capable of moving towards a certain goal, pick up an object, and drop it off at a certain other location.
- This Github Repo contains the project, and video.

Data Acquisition System for TIET’s Formula Racing Team Fateh
- Designed a system capable of communicating with the ECU to record and display important parameters (like rpm, temperature, pressure) of its engine and also the dynamics of the vehicle.
- The image shows the vehicle for which DAQ system was being developed.

- AusCare
- AusCare is a combination of an AR device, which kind of looks like ‘Google Glass’ and a Flutter based mobile app, made for Autistic children. It has various features, like module based training, education, attention span monitoring, calming mechanism, and finally, emotion recognition and a Flutter based mobile app, on which I worked.
- The image shows the product

- Felix
- This is a multi-feature assistant for the visually impaired controlled by voice, with features like object detection, path navigation, SOS, text reading, and a novel payment authentication method using RFID and piezoelectric sensor.
- The image shows the overall product.

- Queue Data Analytics using Cisco Meraki MV Sense Camera
- This is the winning project for Smart India Hackathon (Software Edition) I made with my team. I also made the Flutter mobile app which shows the predictions and suggestions whether the user should visit the public place or not, based on people density in queues seen using Cisco’s Meraki MV Sense Camera.
- Amaurotic
- It is an electro-mechanical Braille reader for the visually impaired people, quite similar to Amazon’s kindle, but for the visually impaired. It is controlled by voice, and can be used in both ‘haptic braille’ mode and ’listen’ mode, for any document or book.
- The image shows the overall product.

- Autonomous Fire Fighting Bot
- The bot uses analog flame sensors to detect the presence of flame, or heat above a certain threshold, travel towards the flame, and extinguishes it using a mechanism based on servo motor, a reservoir and water pump. A mechanism to pour sand can also be used.
- The video shows the initial testing phase of the bot.